Saturday, 18 April 2020

How you can write off council tax debt with ease

It is not the desire of anyone or organization to owe debts. But the reality is that many people tend to get into debt due to many factors. There are different types of debts and creditors are also seeking for a simple and effective means for getting their money. This has seen the establishment of debt recovery companies in the country. Many debtors have had many unpleasant experiences with these debt recovery companies. But, there is a solution that can help you get out of debt. One of the most popular debts people in the country have is the council tax debt. You can write off council tax debt using various debt payment options available.

Are you ready to get the full information? Yes, you are ready and it is really simple but depends on your commitment to the solution. A simple legislated debt solution is available that you can consolidate to make repayment of your debts easy. The solution brings all your debts into a single low and affordable monthly repayment plan. With the solution, you can make a set payment per month for a specified period. After the specified period expires, the other debts left are legally written off on your behalf. Your council tax debts can be written off through this means.

Guess what? The debts write off can be up to 90% but it depends on your circumstances and the amount involved. The solution applies for debts less than £5,000, £5,000 - £20,000, and £20,000 and above. Now, to have your council tax debt written off depends on some factors but top on the list is.

  1. The local authority i.e. the council involved.
  2. If the debtor wants to enter into an IVA.

These factors are very important if a write off is to be achieved in the shortest possible time. IVA is an acronym for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement. It is a legal debt solution that is often used by debtors with numerous debts to consolidate their debts into one payment.  

Moreover, there are a few exceptions of what can be added in an IVA. But council tax arrears are included; this is why it is a popular debt option for most debtors in the country. The moment the debtor agrees to an IVA and the modalities are settled. However, before you can enter into an IVA, 75% of creditors must agree. Once this is done, they will no longer pursue you to pay your debts. This means no more home visits, correspondence or telephone calls from creditors. 

You can get out of debts no matter the amount you owe in a short time. It is now easy to write off council tax debt without any hassle. You can get the help you need to get started by using the contact information available.

To get more information visit #write off council tax debt

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