Tuesday, 11 August 2020

All About The Conversion Of Human Ashes Into Diamonds


Turning the ashes of your loved one into one bright shining diamond has started to attract lots of attention. The approach of turning your loved one's memories into a beautiful gleaming ball of carbon is appreciated and valued by so many people. 


All of these people greatly admire the idea of turning the remains of a person that was once very close to your heart into something so permanent. It is truly a beautiful thing to see your memories in almost a physical form. You will have some part of your loved one in this mesmerizing ball of graphite and carbon. This is the beauty of turning human ashes into diamonds. 


Steps required to complete the process


● Carbon purification and isolation - In this process, ashes are subjected to high temperature and broken down into a fine powder of graphite.


● Graphite Conversion - This process is termed as graphitization. In this step, the previously powdered graphite goes through a refining process. It is refined until it has about 99.9% of carbon in it.


● Diamond Growth - This is a very peculiar process where the conversion of human ashes into diamonds truly takes place. The refined powdered graphite is added to a diamond growth cell. This growth cell is kept in a machine that can duplicate the Earth's hot mantle's conditions.


● Diamond removal - After you have kept the diamond to grow, it will start to take its shape. This shape will depend on the time you keep it inside the machine. The longer the time, the larger is the size of the diamond. After this, the rough diamond is formed, and it is taken out of the machine.


● Cleaning - After the extraction process, the diamond is given an acid bath to clean the draft diamond's surface. 


● Shaping - After cleaning the diamond, you have to choose a shape. It can be an emerald, circular, or anything you want. This is one of the most important steps in converting human ashes into diamonds, as this determines the quality of your diamond. 


● Coloring - Your diamond is colored with your desired color. It will be engraved or graded after this process.


Natural Diamonds Vs. Cremation Diamonds


The main distinction between the naturally occurring diamonds and cremation diamonds is that the later diamonds are made in the lab. It is formed under the conditions created and designed by a man. Nature does its job while creating the naturally occurring shining diamonds.


The reality behind these diamonds


Some people are skeptical about this process. Some are there that worry if this is just a hoax and not a real thing. The companies understand the worry of their customers, and they have come up with a solution to ease your worries.


The certification process is the end process of the conversion of human ashes into diamonds. This provides a certificate of authenticity to prove if the diamond is real or not. Various scientific methods are done and executed before you finally get the certificate. Therefore, do not buy if the certificate is not given, but if you have the certificate. You can trust your diamond!

To get more information visit #https://www.saintdiamonds.com/.

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