Tuesday 18 May 2021

Studios in Atlanta with touch monitors and capacity for 16 people

 The quality of the equipment is one of the most important characteristics for a recording studio, especially if it faces the fierce and up-to-date music industry that it found and finds ways to improve the sounds, chords, voices and artistic performance of the artist’s singers

In that sense, there are several Studios in Atlanta, on the east coast of the United States that works with this type of technology according to the new demands brought by the new generations ABS, located on Boulevard 11 in the state of Georgia and is one of those that adhere to the new demands of these services

For this reason, artists can request through their website, the rates, and requirements to record within the study of more than 27 square meters and with state-of-the-art technology that improves the experience and quality with regard to the final product, be it commercial, business or entertainment.

This recording studio in Atlanta has two recording rooms, both with different dimensions and equipment. Room A is a room for up to 16 people, with two 55-inch touch screens, focal monitors and custom players. Also part of his team is the Neuman U-87 microphone, amplifiers of the Avalon brand and TubTech compressors.

On the other hand, the wing or study B has a select range of equipment belonging to the company Mac and monitors of the also recognized Yamaha, as well as several custom players and subwoofers of 15 inches, a Microphone WA-87, and a Focusrite amplifier. This cabin, being smaller than the previous one, has the capacity for six people.

The modern design is what definitely makes the difference from the rest of the studios in Atlanta which, despite being a commercial cradle for entertainment, still has less specialized sites to which people punctuate badly and criticize hard through the internet.

Fortunately, the talents that go to ABS, part of the Atlanta Studios, do not have to worry about it, because in their social networks and website they are continually exposed to the work they do and the quality of the products manufactured there.

To get more information visit #famous recording studios in atlanta

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