Sunday 20 September 2020

Find out why people love drawn portraits


Art is ubiquitous. Every culture of the human race has art as an integral part of the building stones of the culture. Over the years, art has progressed. It will not be an exaggeration to say that art has evolved alongside higher primates, the human race. Take a walk down memory; specifically, to the years where artists could only provide a portrait of you if you were able to stand still for long hours. Most times, artists could not complete the drawing in a day. The models, or individuals who want a portrait of themselves, have to come back the following day in order to resume a painstaking posture for hours. So, imagine if a client wants to have a family portrait, this means that the children and their parents will stand still for hours – all in the name of having a family picture. Now, during that time, this was all that could be done. However, times have changed; now, you can have drawn portraits without seeing the artist.


Initially, it was imperative that the object to be painted or drawn had to be in the studio of the artist. Now, it is no longer imperative for the object of the portrait to visit the artist’s studio. Technological advancements have broken the hold that certain restrictions had on mankind. If you have a photograph of yourself or anyone, you can send it to the artist. This removes the need to stand for long hours, while an artist creates an oil painting of you. These days, all that the artist needs you to do is to send him a picture. Once you can provide the photograph, the next thing that you need to do is, specify the kind of portrait you want. Artists offer different kinds of portraits to their clients. You can choose a black or white portrait or a Kodachrome color portrait. the prices for each of these specifications differ, so you have to put it into consideration when selecting the one that you want. Even though the price may be expensive, it is still cheap compared to the price that a real-time artist charge client for a canvas painting.


Compared to a canvas painting, portraits artists charge a relatively cheap price. A particular reason why clients preferred to use this kind of artists is that they get quality portraits. Also, the feedback mechanism is awesome. By feedback mechanism, it means that clients can easily communicate any complaint they have to the artist. And, the artist, in turn, attends to the complaints, by making the necessary corrections. For example, if you do not like the color that was used in the drawn pictures requested, you can complain to the artist, and the correction will be made within a short time. However, if you used a real-time artist, correction an already made portrait cannot be easily corrected – the artist may have to draw another one, and this will cost you more money. To get more information visit #drawn portraits

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