Thursday 9 January 2020

Traditions To Make Your Wedding Unique

1.    Tying the knot, literally.
The tradition is called Handfasting. It is a Celtic-based ritual that symbolizes the binding of two lives into one with two ropes. It starts with the joining of the hands, showing the choice to enter into wedlock. Next, two cords are placed on the couple’s hands, usually by the officiant. Vows are then read as the officiant ties the cords together, uniting the couple, and the two individual cords show one intertwined and beautiful relationship. 

2.    Ring Warming
This beautiful tradition gets to include many, if not all, of the guests. The tradition starts with the officiant explaining the significance that everyone present has to the couple, and the ring holder (best man, officiant, or ring bearer) gives the rings to the guests to pass around. Sometimes, it is just the wedding party and/or the families of the couple that passes the rings around, but the rings can be passed around by all of the guests. This allows each guest to say their own blessing or wish for the couple the best marriage possible. 

3.    Mixing of the Sands
Sand mixing is a fantastic tradition that is extremely variable in the performing of the ritual. The basic idea is that there are two vases, each symbolizing the bride and groom respectively, that are each filled with a different color of sand that has a special significance to the couple. Then, the sand from each of the two vases is poured into a third vase, showing that all of the individual parts that make up each person are joined into one vessel of marriage to make its unique color that is inseparable, as one could not fully separate the two colors again. Variations include using an hourglass as the third vase, having family members pour their own sand in as well, and also pouring layers or together. 

4.    Unity Candle
The unity candle tradition is a common tradition in both religious and secular weddings. In this ceremony, there are generally three candles: two taper candles and one large pillar candle. The two taper candles are lit to signify each individual’s passion for their spouse or simply their living energy. The two taper candles are then used light the pillar candle to signify the unity of marriage. The flames of the two taper candles are either blown out to show how their lives are now one or kept lit as a symbol that they still maintain their individuality.  

5.    Foot Washing
The tradition of foot washing is a great way to show the couple’s servant-like and humble love for each other. Although the ritual is generally seen in churches, it can be an extraordinarily meaningful act for both religious and secular ceremonies. Traditionally, the groom first sits the bride down on a chair, is handed a bowl of water and a towel then washes and dries the bride’s feet. Then, the bride does the same for the groom. It represents the true and pure love the couple has for each other in that they put the other’s needs above their own, and treats them as the treasure they are. To get more information visit #Tri Cities Wedding photography

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