Sunday 12 January 2020

The 180 of Best Reasons to Quit Smoking Weed

Do a 180 and turn your life around
Here's a list of reasons WHY to quit so you can keep your motivation up.
I highly recommend you create your own list of reasons and write them down. In fact, it's one of the steps taken in the 'Quit Weed 30 Day Plan'
When you are consuming a lot of THC, low motivation and short term memory can make it harder to stick to you goal and do the work you need to do to improve your situation.
Instead of thinking about where you’re going wrong, and instead of beating yourself up for smoking pot, take a different approach. Think about all the awesome things that you’ll experience once you quit smoking weed.
Quitting marijuana can be life changing, but there’s no sense in being hard on yourself just because you are a smoker right now. Consider of all the different areas in your life that marijuana has affected, and then visualize a future where you feel the benefits of quitting. To get more information visit #Benefits of Quitting Weed

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