Wednesday 6 February 2019

The Main Differences Between CBD and THC

We already touched on the biggest difference between THC and CBD – one gets you high while the other doesn’t. But there are a few other notable differences between these two cannabinoids.

THC is psychoactive, which results in various mind-altering effects when consumed that you don’t get from CBD. For instance, THC is typically very relaxing, uplifting, increases your appetite, and alters your sense of smell, light, and even hearing.

It’s known to be such a powerful relaxant that people often feel tired and fatigued easier, making it a popular treatment for sleep-related problems.

However, sometimes THC’s side-effects are quite unwelcome. For example, it causes red eyes that are quite apparent, while it may increase dryness in the mouth and can even exasperate anxiety and paranoia. The latter two issues often depend on the individual, with those that have suffered from anxiety often finding it’s made worst when smoking weed with high amounts of THC. For more information visit website #

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