Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Removing window film yourself:

First, start by cleaning the exterior of any window that has peeling tint or any window where unwanted stain is placed.

Next, take a black trash bag and place it over the window. Adjust it to the size of the window you just washed. With an exact knife or scissors cut the bag so that it fits snugly against the window.

Once that's done, get in the car. Put a towel on the backseat of the car for protection. Take a simple green bottle and spray it on the inside of a freshly washed window. When spraying the inside of the window, make sure it is completely wet.

After that step is complete, carefully remove the bag from outside the window without tearing or tearing it.

The bag needs to be moved on the inside of the window that was just soaked. Press it into the inside of the window so it is smooth and bubble-free.

Make sure the car is parked in direct sunlight and follow the steps on a warm sunny day. Let the windows bake and heat up in the sun.

Once the window is completely dry, pull the bag out of the window and it should draw color from the window at the same time.

To get more information visit #http://www.kacafilm-vkool.com.

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