Box turtle is the best reptile you can keep for a pet. They are
easy to care for, less dangerous and more active. They are quiet too. Unlike
the company of a dog who will bark most excitedly when you return home from
work, you will be recognized by your box turtle as a food provider only. Your
turtle will come to you only in search of food. You should google or search the
answer for What Do Box Turtle Eat when
you get a box turtle home for pet.To keep your pet healthy and free from
infections you should get hold of information on how to handle its nutritional
needs. It is vital to set up a proper habitat for your pet either indoors or
outdoors. Though the box turtles' captivity needs can at times become overly
Feed your turtle a few hours after it warms itself up in the morning.
The baby turtle will require food every day while the adults can be fed
every other day. Young turtles will need more animal matter due to their
protein need. But as it grows up into an adult you will have to reduce the
protein intake to almost 10% of their total diet. Make sure you place the food
for your box turtle on a large flat rock and not in food bins or a dish. The
turtle files his beak and claws abrading against the rocks as it eats. This
turtle will need lots of clean water to drink and soak itself.
Answer to your question to What
Do Box Turtle Eat is simple. Box turtle eats almost anything,
vegetables, fruits, worms and insects. The food you provide should have high
calcium levels. You can provide calcium by feeding your pet boiled eggshells or
a cuttlebone from a pet store. Make sure the diet offered is balanced with half
meat and half plant. Turtles like to eat alone. If you keep a constant watch
while it is eating, you may frighten this creature.
To get more information visit #what do box turtles eat as a pet.
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