Monday, 1 July 2019

Dominoqq: Gamble Anywhere Anytime

Gambling is one of the oldest recreational activity of human society- think chausar in Mahabharata, a gladiatorial contest of ancient Rome, Horse racing in Victorian England. Over time besides recreation, its “getting rich quick” perception meant, to some, it became a way to earn money.
Gambling in 20th& early 21st century became centred around casinos while gambling on the outcome of sporting events took the form of betting.

Gambling moves Online

With the advent of internet & development of means to exchange money on the net, Online gambling took its nascent first step in the early ‘90s. It was a revolution in the making, with true democratization of gambling at its core. Now all that was (&is) required was an internet connection, a credit card and one had access to all the games available in a casino & more.
The ease of availability of options in online gambling & its anytime anywhere nature has quickly caught on with People. In 1995 there were five sites for online gambling which in the next five years exploded to 200 and now estimated to be 10000+ The business is estimated to be 50+ billion dollars in 2018.

The kind of games available online comprises of these or a combination of these
Game of chance- Roulette, Bingo, Slot Machines etc.
Skill Based games- Blackjack, Poker etc.
Online sports betting- Horse riding etc.
Mobile Gaming & In-play gambling is some of the innovations that have come in with the advent of internet access on mobile handsets.

Drivers of gambling 

Human nature & biases are the key drivers of online gaming. We always feel that we have the skills to beat the odds in a game of poker. “No one else can read a sporting situation better than me”. It also is a means to simulate human contact while the actual human connects& contact in today’s ever-connected world is declining.

These steps will help in the long term, in attracting & retaining more and more users to a truly recreational sport which is DominoQQ. To get more information visit #

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