Sunday, 2 December 2018

Facts on How People View Web Sites

Did you know that there are some things which seem to attract people on a website? It is important to know this so that, you modify your business website. If you know these facts from webbureau Kobenhavn, you will be able to confidently grow your digital business afresh. 
The digital bureau advises that there is a need to ensure that good decisions are made regarding ways to do marketing for your business. Ensure that you upgrade your digital marketing skills for a new career or job change. You can even use your digital marketing skills to earn some cash freelancing on freelance sites. All this is possible if you adhere to webbureau facts.
The Facts
When marketers and designers look at websites which they are building, they don’t design it in a way that, they will use it themselves. They are not interested in finding more information; they are not interested in buying. They are in most cases, constructing the website, making decisions based on their tastes.  You need not to do that, ensure that you focus on the real people’s behaviors by putting the following into action:
Remember that, people are attracted more to text messages than pictures.
In most cases, people start viewing your website starting from the top left corner.
Most readers ignore banners 
Most people scan the lower parts of the website.
As compared to long paragraphs, short paragraphs attract more.
Using fancy fonts will be ignored by most people.
Using bigger pictures will attract more than small ones.
Headlines tend to attract attention.
As compared to other parts of your website, more time is spent by people who visit your website, checking out menus and buttons.
Most views are on what is placed on the left or the top part of your website.
White space is excellent on a website
To get more information visit #

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