Wednesday 28 November 2018

3 Things You Must Consider When Choosing a Mixer

Mixing must be done professionally in order to produce a beautiful melodious sound of electronic music. This can only be achieved in the presence of a wonderful sound mixer and a professional who knows how to mix sound. In the absence of any of these two, what will be produced might not be suitable to the hearing. Assuming you have a person to handle the professionalism aspect, all you need is a perfect mixer to make that awesome sound of music you’re craving for. To purchase a suitable mixer, the following factors should be considered:
Frame size: otherwise known as channel count, the frame size of a mixer dictates the number of sources that can be connected to its channel input at the same time without any form of complication. This means that if you purchase a mixer with 24 channel counts, you will be able to connect a minimum of 24 audio sources, but sometimes, there are usually extra specialized inputs which may include tape and Talk back inputs. This is an important thing that must be considered when choosing a mixer.
Aux buses: otherwise called auxiliary buses, Aux buses allow mixers to send a minimum of one monitor mix to the stage. Monitor mix are built by setting each Aux-send levels for any of the channels you want to sound in that mix. Once this is done, one can then proceed to connect the aux bus output to an in-ear system or stage monitor. It is important for you to note that aux buses comes in mono, therefore, to connect in-ear systems, you will need two aux buses. 
Connection types: you must identify the kind of sources you want to connect to your mixer. For example, if what you want to connect is mostly microphone, it will be right for you to choose a mixer that has enough microphone preamps.
Once these three factors are well considered combined with the help of a professional sound mixer, you are guaranteed to produce the best EDM. To get more information #

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