Wednesday 20 January 2021

Protect Your Children with Digital Guardian Project

Parents always wish to protect their children from all the bad things around them. If you look around right now at a street or a school, you will notice how mature the children of this age are. They are so influenced by all the bad things and influenced greatly without using their brains. The need for attention in today's kids is too overwhelming for them and often makes them do things out of desperation. They do not believe in a single thing, which leads them astray due to a lack of faith in anything in life. 

They have so much going on at home, school, and playgrounds, and the Internet adds kerosene to that fire by merely existing. The Internet opens up all the doors for children to all the evil there is to know. Children should not know some things because their minds can't keep up.

Are your children safe?

Kids' minds are too fragile to understand some of the information that only adults should know. With the Internet's unfortunate help, children can now surf the most disgusting things like sexual activities, military activities, death sequences, and anti-religion news and posts. And even more than that, they get exposed to the malice of social media. The Internet fills the children's minds with jealousy, malice, lies, and secrecy early on in life, at an age when they should only worry about playing the right game. To correct all that is going wrong with this system, the Digital Guardian Project is here to protect your children from all the evil. Your duty as parent is to protect your children. However, you can't sit on their heads all the time, surveilling whatever they watch online. Trust your children, but do not trust the Internet enough. Help this project and others like it. 

To get more information visit #Digital Guardian Project

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