Monday 17 August 2020

Obtain more support through Lambda School studies


Since your success is the success of Lambda school, it is important for you to join with a lot of joy. Also, due to this, that is why Lambda ensures its curriculum is channeled to ensure you are hired after graduation. You will be provided with regular career mentoring and total weekly career preparedness assignments. So, you can move into the job market with confidence and preparedness. Also, there are career placement guides are always available too.

Choose tracks that fits passion

1.        Data science. You get intensive training for an artificial intelligence and machine learning career.

2.        Full stack web. Here, you learn the basics of frontend, backend, apis, servers, databases, and so on.

Trust built in the tech industry

Companies that are forward-thinking always trust Lambda school to provide them with diverse tech talent for their diverse tech needs to be met. This school educates people with high tech aptitude all the skills they require to ensure their tech career is launched. Due to the curriculum of the school that is industry informed and also its concentrated career preparation, students of Lambda graduate prepared to assist companies with the right achievements to expect. This is what is sold to these tech companies and so far, so good. Those companies who hired graduates from Lambda have so much good stuff to say. It has been proven since the year 2017 that, the graduates of Lambda are hired mostly by fortune 100 companies and also top startups worldwide. This is an achievement the school takes a lot of pride in. So it is not only about the money. It is about achieving realistic and possible results.

Some skills of Lambda school graduates

Graduates of Lambda school through their time with Lambda master the technical skills companies need in:

1.        Under Data Science the skills include:

·          SQL

·         Python

·         Data Visualization

·         NLP

·         Linear Algebra

·         Machine Learning

·         Databases

·         Statistics and Modeling

2.        Under Full Stack Web they include:

·         HTML

·         Javascript

·         React

·         CSS

·         Node

·         SQL

·         Python

·         Redux

3.        Under iOS Development they include:

·         Objective-C

·         Data Modeling

·         Swift

·         Mobile Interfaces

·         Networking

·         App Architecture

·         OOP

·         Concurrency

4.        Under UX Design these skills include:

·         Synthesis

·         User Research

·         Prototyping

·         Ideation

·         UI Design

·         Portfolio Building

·         Collaboration

·         Usability Testing

Why choose Lambda?

Lambda school is the best due to its availability of diverse talents across the USA. The unique income shares agreement or ISA based model that is offered is the best pipeline for groups who are underrepresented in the tech industry. The student body of Lambda stands for the racial, gender, geographical, and cultural diversity of the United States of America workforce. This is realistic when you check the alumni of the school and its current students. You should know there is hope. To get more information visit #LAMBDA SCHOOL

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